Marco Antonio Campos
Esponal :
Querida Shirley:
He visto tu pintura. Te he visto en tu pintura. Si un poeta suele escribir a lo largo de su vida un solo libro tú has pintado un solo cuadro. En ellos el color es la llama y la llama. Los colores arden para que cante la luz. Los colores Arden para que cante el azul. La mariposa voló para ser azul. El azul vuela como las hojas de los árboles que nos diste.
Todo en tus cuadros vive para que nazca la flor. El mundo vive para que la flor florezca. Aun si la violencia y el dolor te desgarran el grito será una flor desgarrada.
Tu pintura es una sola flor que en el poema canto.
World for the Birth of the Flower
I’ve seen your painting. I’ve seen you in your painting. If it’s true that a poet’s lifetime is the writing of a single book, you have painted a single painting. The color of your painting is beckoning and flame. The colors blaze so that light can sing. They blaze so that blue can sing. A moth took flight so it could be blue. Blue takes flight like the leaves of the trees you gave us.
Everything in your paintings lives for the return of the flower. The world lives so that a flower lives for you and remembers. Even racked by violence and pain, the scream would be a racked flower.
Your painting is a single flower and it sings a poem.
Mexico City, 1986
Marco Antonio Campos